Sunday, August 5, 2012

Whining in the World of Republicans

Call up your WayBackMachine to the presidential race where John Kerry was a candidate. Although the US Navy decided that he indeed did earn a purple heart in Viet Nam, this did not deter the energy moguls in Texas from mounting, with mountains of money, a smear campaign against Kerry, saying that he did not deserve the medal. Some went so far as to say that he actually wounded himself in order to get a medal so that he could run for political office. The Republican Party fully endorsed this smear campaign and hammered  that "Swift Boat Veterans Against Kerry" were trying to save the country from a venous liar who wanted the big enchilada: the Presidency.

The fact that the medal citations had been a matter of public record for decades did not deter the guys from continuing on with lies; and this tactic, of discrediting a veteran, was considered honorable and correct by the Republican voters and Party across the country. So when Harry Reid makes a comment about Romney's tax paying history, this same groups of people get in a hissy fit for saying things that are  pure opinion and have no basis in fact. This one is an easy fix: Romney simply needs to release tax records going back 10 or 15 years to show what an upstanding citizen he is and that he paid his full share of taxes. The fact that he attempted to prevent even one year of his taxes from becoming public knowledge, should be enough to give any thinking person pause. Why so reluctant to show your taxes for one year? What are you hiding by refusing to release past returns?

The Obamas are wealthy and have displayed no reluctance to make their affairs public. So why will etch-a-sketch Mitt not pony up? Makes a body think the guy is hiding something.

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