Well, here we have the pseudo Ayn Rand devotee espousing destruction of the federal government and abandonment of those who truly need help in order to help himself at his favorite trough: the federal government. The most recent blunder by the King of Cuts is he lied about taking money from the federal stimulus package. Seems that despite Paul denying for over two years he NEVER accepted or asked for any stimulus money that he actually did ask for two separate grants to be funded from the stimulus pool.
When confronted with his own letter, which was also acknowledged by the Wall Street Journal (gasp) and the Boston Globe, he fudged and made up a story that this letter was actually no different than asking for a flag for a constituent or some other heart felt favor from their favorite hypocritical phony deficit hawk.
Interesting about Ryan: he professes to be an avid follower of the ultra libertarian capitalist ideas of Ayn Rand; at least in so far as her ideas suit his agenda. Rand hated Reagan because she said that instead of having unfettered capitalism, he and his neocon pals rigged the tables in favor of business at the expense of the public. Also, Rand was a vociferous atheist who completely disavowed the phony conservative Christian ideals of the far right extremists. As a believer in the intellect of humanity, she saw no room for institutional superstition in any form. Ryan seems to ignore these key ideas of hers as he proselytizes for Christian based abandonment of Christian principles. As many conservatives or Convenience Christians who rail against people unlike themselves, Ryan is selective in the parts of Christianity he chooses to support and the philosophical precepts of Rand he chooses to accept. As a non-Christian I am not a huge reader of the Bible. But as I understand it, the Judeo/Christian ideals are based on responsibility to the tribe or society, showing charity to those in need and abjuring wealth for the sake of wealth. So, I seem to recall a saying something like it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Does Ryan and his billionaire pals not see a conflict with traditional JC ideals and how they propose to govern the country? Has there ever been a more anti-charitable duo than the Romney team in recent memory?
But I guess Ryan believes charity begins at home, which is why he had his paws out for the stimulus money.
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