Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interesting bits

John McCain calls out Michelle Bachman, who, you may remember, was a one time potential presidential candidate, for yet another of her weirdo conspiracy theories. Can it be that there is a glimmer of intelligence surfacing in the Republican party? Time will tell.

Mitt says he was retired retroactively from Bain as of 1999. Too bad the SEC has filings showing he was sole owner, CEO, Chairman and who knows what else until 2002.  Lying to the SEC in a felony. Could it be Mitt is following in the footsteps of the illustrious Richard (I am not a crook) Nixon? Interesting.

Rep. Gosar, who unfortunately represents the district where I live, has said the health care in the US has been nationalized. Quite a statement considering that people will be buying health insurance from PRIVATE COMPANIES. Republicans are great at telling lies, but, as usual, do not bother with actual facts. Rather, they rely on bumper sticker slogans.

Sheriff Arpaio, also an Arizona denizen, claims he has proof that Obama's birth certificate is a Forgery. He and his "posse", no joke with the wording, are convinced that 50 years ago, this conspiracy was launched in Hawaii, Kenya and the US. Maybe I can tap into the guys who did that for some lottery numbers?

Maybe it's the heat.

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